Monday, March 31, 2008


God is doing some great things through the lives of HIS faithful followers! This past Sunday we began a new series - "It Could Happen!" This series is taken from the texts of 1 Peter - we are taking looking at 'HOPE'. Many have come and gone, trying to put and end to Christianity - yet none have been sucessful. I hear of statistics today about a church that is dying. While the world grows in population, the church remains the same size! There is a huge area of concern here, however, we must remember that God is still in control and HIS Bride - the Church is still moving. Sometimes the movement isn't as visible as we would like it. Sometimes the movement isn't the in a certain way we would like it, either. But you need to IS moving. Just this first weekend out of 1 Peter we had the priviledge of watching God work through the service in at least one life. (At least that's all we got to see and hear about!) HIS Spirit is at work among us. This leads us to a question that must be asked: Is God moving in me? If the answer is "No", then why not!? God IS moving - don't you want to be a part of that type of movement? I do! May HE move and have HIS way in our lives as we move (grow) together! God's Blessings you all!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Resurrection Sunday

I have been thinking a lot about Simon of Cyrene and his encounter with Jesus. Mostly because that is what I am preaching on this Easter, but also in part because this encounter just strikes me to the core of my being. There are only a few verses that even mention Simon and his part in the crucifixion story. Here is what I notice...He was 'passing by'...he wasn't a guy who came to watch the freak show, but just happen to be at this place at this particular time. I wonder, did God place him there that day. Then I begin to wonder often am I 'passing by' when God has placed me at a certain place at a particular time for HIS ministry work on earth. In those moments, have I just 'passed by' or have I made the most of those opportunities for HIS glory. Just a thought.

Mark's Gospel is the only gospel to add to this retelling that this Simon had two sons who most likely were men who came to the faith...quite possible because of their father leading them down that road to the cross as he relived it (I think) every day for the rest of his life. Obviously, Simon was changed because of Jesus and HIS life that was 'poured out' for us. Has it changed my life in such a way that the rest of my life I relive it, to live for it! Just a thought.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spiritual Growth

Our Wednesday Night Class just started a series - "First Steps for New Beleivers." I felt like it was a wonderful topic and discussion; so I walked away very excited about my own personal growth spiritually. It seems to me that so many of us struggle with the correct attitude we need for our spiritual growth to take place properly. I grew up knowing I need to be a man of prayer and a man in God's Word. But so often I found myself 'dutifully' being obedient in my pursiut. Now don't get me wrong - we NEED obedience as fully devoted followers. However, what often doesn't take place is the transition from duty to love (which was my topic of my sermon 'Love's greatest acts - pt. 1)! I think we also tend to struggle with equating physical growth with spiritual. (I.e. ...since I am 45 years old - I am a greater follower than a 28 year old follower!)

We ended our lesson with John 15:7-8 - "I am the vine you are the branches..." We must remain in Christ, allow HIS Word to remain in us and bear fruit so we can reveal HIM in our life(bring HIM glory!) Our growth depends on us - God will always do HIS part - Colossians 1:6 - HE began it (good work) and will continue it to completion!

Monday, March 3, 2008


I just spent the last week (Feb 25-27) at Ozark Christian College for the Preaching and Teaching Conference. I heard some great preaching and I came back refreshed. I am excited about what God is doing through many friends and co-laborers for the Kingdom. I have to say my favorite class was a 3 part series on sermon preparation. It was taught by a Chuck Sackett. The whole theme was " 'Empowered...'standing inthe strength of God".

As for Sunday (Mar 2), we had an incredible service. We looked at the widows offering. I talked about 'duty' verses 'love'. How often do we spend time 'doing' because of 'duty' instead of 'living' out of 'love'? Jesus gave us so much to learn from HIS Word - if only we would take time to hear and obey and live! I am excited about what God is doing in ministries around the world. I am thankful that HE has allowed me to be used by HIM for HIS glory!