Monday, November 24, 2008

“Have I ever told about the time someone gave time to me?”

I am not kidding – this has to be the fastest year ever! Maybe, because our times in Memphis have been fewer and we have actually spent more time at home this year, which I have enjoyed so much! But it is soon gone! What is wrong with this picture? I don’t like it! My kids are older than they should be, my wife is still a beautiful as the day we met, yet I feel like I missed most of the year because the time went so fast! Of course, with the year being almost gone, it must mean it is close to Christmas. Christmas time has always been a favorite of mine. The only bad thing about Christmas is that it means another year is basically up. I love Christmas time because it is about family time, giving and getting time, and most importantly (saving the best for last of course) the Celebration of the birth of my KING – Jesus! But to know another year is almost gone CAN BE a bummer unless I have made the most of my time this year.
How about you? Have you made the most of your time? Maybe for you, this year has flown by more than ever too! Can I give a few suggestions in order to help you and I be wiser with our time. I pray that this will help keep us on track with our time, so that we won’t repeat this error another year. 1. Give of your time…specifically at home with your loved ones. No one dies and says – “I spent too much time with my kids and spouse…” Many have been known to say when death is knocking on their door – “I wish I would have spent more time with my kids and spouse…” 2. Give of your time at the office…specifically give without expecting something in return. Most people give their best when it benefits them. Most never give to benefit others with a no-strings-attached type mentality. Be different for Jesus sake. You never know who at work is watching your every move and attitude 3. Give of your time at the church…specifically for the sake of being who God called you to be. Many during this time of year begin thinking of resolutions to make for the coming year. Why not break the mold and be a giving person before the year ends instead of waiting for the New Year? Let’s change now instead of putting it off until tomorrow!
Christmas time is a great time of giving and giving of time is an incredible thing to give. Money can by things that won’t last. Time given can never be taken back or returned or reused, but it can be the greatest thing you can give even if it hurts a little! God has only given us so much time. What you do with your time can make an incredible gift. Will you give the gift of time for the celebration of THE BIRTH.