I think a common blog post beginning has to be: "I am sorry it has been so long since I posted!" So since it is probably the most common, I am not going to start that way...
I truly feel as though God has been placing in my path many things to convict and challenge my Christianity. I don't think I am headed for Hell or anything, but I do believe that I have been raised with a misconception about life with Jesus. Let me update you on what I have been reading. I have in the last two months read "Crazy Love, by Francis Chan" (a must read for everyone beleiver), and 'The Present Future" (another great read for those frustrated with Christianity as we know of it today - but caution...it is disturbing! True, but disturbing!) I am also reading "Preaching from my Feet" (a great challenge for all who preach - I recommend it as well!) Along with all of that I am reading "One Month to Live" while the church where I serve is preparing to spend 6 weeks going through this together beginning in September. All this to say, I am convinced that the church needs a over-haul, make-over, and a bath!
While I don't question my relationship with God to be genuine or not, I do question the church's misunderstanding of what the Church is to be about. We seem to have forgotten HIS purpose for the Church and have turned it into "my" church. I am so sick of hearing people complain because their comfort level is disturbed because of changes. HELLO! It was never your church to begin with. God wants it back! I challenge you to read these books mentioned and tell me your thoughts on the subject. I wonder if I am alone? Is anyone else bothered by what we call church? Is anyone else seeking to live as if Jesus did die for them too? I have resolved to live differently. I seek to no longer live as I have and I am expecting the true followers to stand up too! There is much to do and so little time. To GOD be the glory! Amen.