Saturday, April 12, 2008

Growth Hurts!

I am saddened a little as I sit here in my office. It's a Saturday...which I am hardly ever in the office on a Saturday. But that's not what saddens me. Tomorrow, I don't preach we have a guest speaker. Not preaching is not what saddens me either. We are having new visitors and I am being stretched like never before in ministry. Yet even that is not what saddens me...(Okay, I will get on with it!) I am saddened by the ups and downs of ministry. While I feel like FCC is on the brink of breaking out in to a big 'revival', I am overwhelmed by the struggle that some friends of mine are having in the minsitry; locally, close to home and far away on the other side of the states and even far away in other countries. Yet there are victories in just as many places if not more. However, for my struggling brothers - I ache. (Of course, I think we should ache for all our struggling brothers and sisters out there!) I guess my struggle for them is - being there in the past and feeling so discouraged and so ready to throw in the towel. I have felt like not even wanting to go to church during these difficult times (in the past.) But for me, at those times, I had incredible growth moments. Yet the pain was very real. As I look back on my greatest times of growth in the past, they were surrounded, but great struggles and tragedies with victories sometimes not even in sight.

So if you read this (?) Would you just take a moment to lift up those who are in ministry/missions both close and far away? We (ministers/missionaries) need you in prayer for us more today than yesterday! Please on behalf of all of us, struggling and the non-struggling, pray for us like never before - the Kingdom is at stake! To HIS glory through us all!!! Amen.

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