Wednesday, April 30, 2008

God is for us!

Last Sunday, we were in 1 Peter 2:1-12. Our focus can be summed up with four words - "God is for me." When we read the words of Peter, guided by the Holy Spirit, we quickly see that God has hand-picked us, he thinks were are precious, we are HIS! The difficulty in living life here sucessfully is that we forget that we aren't our own - we have been bought (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). When I lose sight of who I truly am, I tend to focus on just me, my life and nothing else. This quickly turns into a pity party and/or whining! The answer for the churches today is to remember who you are and whose you are!

This week's topic is 1 Peter 3:8-17. We will look at what survival in an unfair world looks like. The summary is simply - living as if Christ is Lord over my life and circumstances that come my way. Just like the previous week this is easier said than done! But my willingness is still a major factor to it all. God isn't just for me, but HE is attentive to me (1 Peter 3:12). I am called to not fear as the world fears, but to instead set apart Christ as Lord, then be ready and willing to speak in love about the greatness of God and HIS activity in my life.

Is God for you? Most certainly. What this means depends on you!

May God Bless your journey.

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