Monday, March 3, 2008


I just spent the last week (Feb 25-27) at Ozark Christian College for the Preaching and Teaching Conference. I heard some great preaching and I came back refreshed. I am excited about what God is doing through many friends and co-laborers for the Kingdom. I have to say my favorite class was a 3 part series on sermon preparation. It was taught by a Chuck Sackett. The whole theme was " 'Empowered...'standing inthe strength of God".

As for Sunday (Mar 2), we had an incredible service. We looked at the widows offering. I talked about 'duty' verses 'love'. How often do we spend time 'doing' because of 'duty' instead of 'living' out of 'love'? Jesus gave us so much to learn from HIS Word - if only we would take time to hear and obey and live! I am excited about what God is doing in ministries around the world. I am thankful that HE has allowed me to be used by HIM for HIS glory!

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