Have you ever noticed that many people have marital problems? Is yours one? No matter what difficulties you might be facing in your marriage, you can still have success with your mate! But it does take an incredible amount determination and sweat to be not just a surviving marriage but a thriving marriage. When every one else is fighting and threatening the “D” word (divorce) you and your spouse can enjoy a marriage that lasts the rest of your lives. Want to know how to have this type of marriage?
It all starts with good communication! It seems so elementary, so why not give it a try? Good communication is the key in 90% of happily married couples (National Survey on Marital Strengths by David H. Olson & Amy K. Olson-Sigg (2000).) When you experience times in your marriage where things don’t seem to be connecting with your spouse there is a communication break-down. The simply steps are to 1.) sit down (after cooling down.) 2.) state your thoughts and feelings in a condense version. 3.) have your spouse repeat back to you EXACTLY what you said. If your spouse can do this without summarizing what they “know you really mean when you say _________” then you are on your way to healthy communication. If your spouse cannot accurately summarize what you said and meant then the communication problem has surfaced its ugly head! You might need to bring in a third party to help mediate through the steps to get you on the right track. Above all – have fun with your communication and grow in this relationship together! Look for more marriage moments soon.
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